Week 7

Allright peeps! I’ve reached Week 7! No weight loss this week, but it’s also my time to retain water like a camel anyways, so I’m not surprised. I got my hair done, and had my first major Non Scale Victory. Read on…

I’ve FINALLY done it! I’ve reached the point where I can no longer shop in the “plus size section” of stores!!!!!!!!!!!!   I’ve been wearing my same clothes as I wore preop, and at that point, I was about to burst out of my size 16’s and 1X shirts. It was to the point where I couldn’t wear my pants without these indentation marks all over my tummy, and feeling like I was going to pass out if I ate anything more because my circulation was damn near cut off. My shirts were tight as hell too, and unflattering as all get out.

Flash forward 7 weeks, My pants are FALLING off of me, and resembling MC Hammer pants circa 1990 with all the extra baggy room, and my shirts are just not flattering at all because they resemble maternity shirts because of how stretched out they are in the belly. I go into the store, and buy 5 shirts off the Juniors rack, size XL, and they fit GREAT!
New pants are size 14’s, and fit like perfection!! I was SOOOO elated!!! I can’t believe how much this sleeve has changed the way I feel about myself in such a short time!!! Whooooo Hoooo!!!!

Much love, XOXO


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